Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. in Psychology, Department of Psychology, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Psychology, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

3 M.A in General Psychology, Psychology of Department, Payame Noor University, Urmia, Iran


Chronic pain is a comprehensive pain and a challenging health problem that affects a large percentage of the world's population.The cognitive, emotional and social factors in the psychological problems of patients with chronic pain.Themethod of this study wasacomparative –casual design. The population of this study was include all of patients with chronic pain referred to pain clinic in the Urmia. Sample of this study was 40 patients with chronic pain referred to pain clinic in the Urmia. Participants were selected by voluntary sampling method. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance. The results indicated that there is significant differences between two groups in looming maladaptive style, negative problem-orientation, interpersonal emotion regulation, emotional processing styles and rejection sensitivity variables, and patients with chronic pain have the higher scores in these variables. Then, attention to psychological problems in the etiology and treatment of psychological problems of these patients can be a useful step in the reducing of these problems and improving of mental health in the patients.


Main Subjects

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