Document Type : Original Article
1 M.A. of Clinical Psychology, Baqyatollah University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran
2 M.A. of Clinical Psychology, University of Science Researches Khorasgan Branch, Isfahan, Iran
The present study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of emotion regulation techniques training on alexithymia in soldiers. This research was a clinical trial designed with pre-test, post-test and one-month follow-up. The population included all soldiers of a military unit located in Tehran in 1395. A number of 350 soldiers were selected by convenience sampling, and answered the Toronto alexithymia questionnaire. Then 66 individuals with the highest scores placed randomly into two experimental and control groups. The experimental group attended eight 90-minute emotion regulation techniques training sessions twice a week and the control group were put in the waiting list. After the intervention, the post-test conducted on both groups. The data was analyzed using SPSS-22. The results of two-factor variance analysis showed that emotion regulation techniques training reduced alexithymia in soldiers. It seems that emotion regulation techniques training can be a useful solution to prevent emotional problems by modifying maladaptive emotion regulation strategies.
Main Subjects