Document Type : Original Article
1 M.A. of Clinical Psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
2 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
This study was performed to examine the effects of training and correction of couple beliefs of marital relation in order to enhance the marital satisfaction of young couples. At first Marital beliefs of couples were examined and then cognitive intervention started to train and correct thinking and beliefs. In this research involved 20 people, 10 couples that were selected accessibly among student couples of Tarbiat Modares University residency in dormitory. By an invitation couples with lower rates of marital satisfaction were participated and then appointed randomly in control and experiment groups after being matched. Each test foiled 3 times in pretest (before intervention), post test (at the end of intervention), and follow up (after 50 days from intervention), by both experiment and control groups. The results were analyzed by one way co variance method. Comparing the results from experiment and control group showed that cognitive intervention in marital beliefs of young couples students residency in Tehran’s dormitories can enhance their marital satisfaction significantly.
Main Subjects