Document Type : Original Article
1 .A. of Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Arak Branch, Arak, Iran
2 M.A. of Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Arak Branch, Arak, Iran
3 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University of Arak Branch, Arak, Iran
This study aims to predict conduct disorder based on parenting styles and family conflicts Neuropsychological study was descriptive and correlational. The population consisted of female students 11 to 13 years old studying in middle school Kosar in District 11 of Tehran and the sample in this study consisted of 150 patients from whom the sampling were selected for parents conflicts with the questionnaire. The child's perception of parental conflict (CPIC) and parenting style questionnaire and to assess the conduct disorder responded the questionnaire wood worth personal information was used. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software. Regression results showed the mean score of respondents in this variable with standard deviation equal to 24.34 and 11.61, respectively. That authoritarian parenting style variable equal to 0.398 and standardized regression coefficient for this variable is equal to the estimated 0.143 and given the significant amount of (0.05) at the level of 95% is significant. Family conflict variable regression coefficient is equal to 0.396. Standardized regression coefficient for this variable is equal to the estimated 0.436 and given the significant amount of (0.001) is significant at 99% confidence. The coefficient of determination adjusted based on the variables in the analysis, conduct disorder, equal to 0.214, or about 21% is obtained. More than 21 percent of the variability of these variables explained conduct disorders. The F value is equal to the average variance of regression to the mean residual variance, which is equal to 21.25 and a significant levels s=0.0001, that is significant at 99%. These findings suggest that between parenting styles (authoritarian) and conduct disorder of children, and there is a direct relationship between familial conflicts and conduct disorder children.
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